About us

Hello Fellow Swiss in Southern California.

Its time to kindle our connections, inspire our community and reach out for new opportunities.

The City of Angels is a global leader on many fronts and within our own Swiss community we have an impressive family of innovative and creative people. Each with unique stories that deserve to be told and shared.

I am taking action to pull this all together.

Christian Häuselmann, Susanne Humbel-Heierling, Christoph Besmer and myself are creating a community that connects via an e-magazine with global and local highlights. Our vision is to connect the business, entertainment, arts, food, fashion, sustainability and social communities via informative and entertaining communication. As well as hosting events that celebrate our accomplishments and culture.

We have partnered with Cafe Europe and www.swisstrade.com in publishing an English language magazine on the Swiss economy and related topics and we will be curating content related to our LA community that will be included in the newsfeed.

We are asking you to subscribe to our magazine, participate in getting your stories told and be guests at our events.

Subscription link

Looking forward to sending you our magazine.

Ronald Hirt

Let’s Work Together

We are looking for like minded Swiss to network with. Please subscribe to our digital magazine, participate in getting your stories discovered and told and be on our guest list at our upcoming events.